Conti pubblici, credito, competitività. L'Italia a una svolta?

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Il Mulino

Volume 27

Conti pubblici, credito, competitività. L'Italia a una svolta?

by Marco Fortis Il Mulino - August 2016

In this volume, the sixth in Foundation Edison’s series covering economic events since the beginning of the global crisis, with his articles published in «Il Sole 24 Ore» and «Il Messaggero» the author analyses the three themes that dominated the economic debate in the period from December, 2015 to May, 2016: the dynamics of public finances, the evolution of the credit system and the question of competitiveness. In a wider analysis of public finances and by correctly measuring banks’ financial parameters, the author re-evaluates Italy’s position in terms of the financial sustainability of its debt and the solidity of its credit system. This system, albeit having to cope with a degree of suffering and with a few exceptions of well-identified, poorly managed banks, is still deemed reliable. Furthermore, in spite of all the limitations of an inefficient country, the book highlights the dynamism of the real Italian economy and the efforts needed to increase its competitiveness.