Dentro la crisi: 2009-2011 America, Europa, Italia

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Il Mulino

Volume 19

Dentro la crisi: 2009-2011 America, Europa, Italia

By Marco Fortis Il Mulino - October 2011

The economic recovery, that had started weakly in the second half of 2009, went on in 2010 but concerned mainly the emerging countries. The advanced world, instead, is picking up more slowly, with unresolved problems in households debts, in the building sector and in occupation, with the risk of a new fall into recession. In 2010 the crisis of the European sovereign debts was added to the banking and business crisis, extending to Italy and Spain in the summer of 2011, at the same time as a serious worsening of the U.S. public debt. Under such quickly changing conditions, what prospects can the richer world rely on, after discovering itself suddenly poorer and more vulnerable? This volume, a virtual continuation of "La crisis mondiale e l'Italia" by Marco Fortis, published by Il Mulino in 2009, is an organic collection of his main articles on the subject that appeared in "Il Messaggero", "Il Sole 24 Ore", "Economy", "Panorama" and "Il Foglio" in the last two years.