Il Mulino
Volume 6
Le grandi infrastrutture di rete. L'Europa dell'energia: Francia e Italia
Edited by Marco Fortis and Cristina Poli Il Mulino - September 2004The topic on the big network facilities for electrical energy and gas transportation is of a vital importance for the already started liberalization process of the energetic markets on a European level.
The authors investigate in depth the evolution in progress in the European set of rules by analyzing particularly the measures taken to encourage the investments in the facilities of energy transport on a Community scale. These investments are necessary also to guarantee a European industrial development, which has to be reliable for the safety and for the continuity of energetic supplies. The specific case of electrical energy is analyzed being a sector of big complexity whose events have become of topical interest for the succession of supplies interruptions occurred in different Countries in 2003. Some of the main French and Italian dealers tell their opinion on the big networks facilities for electrical energy such as: the French dealer (RTE), l'Electricité de France, the Italian dealer (GRTN), ENEL and Edison.