Il Mulino
Volume 34
Una nuova Italia in una nuova Europa. Purché si governi la transizione
by Marco Fortis and Alberto Quadrio Curzio Il Mulino - 2022This book marks the tenth volume of the Edison Foundation Series collecting published articles which since 2009 have been dedicated to the analysis of European and Italian current economic events and economic policies.
All the articles, thoroughly considered, in the volume were published by Fortis and Quadrio Curzio in major newspapers between October 2020 and early November 2021. The articles cover the ongoing health, economic and social crises created by the Covid-19 pandemic that led to the Draghi government, which with its credibility at the European and international level, restored confidence by tackling the vaccination campaign and launching its National Recovery and Resilience Plan.
Italy has had a positive economic response to the crisis thanks to its production system, strengthened in recent years, especially in certain segments. Economic recovery began in the industrial sector and has been extraordinarily driven by manufacturing (and construction), in other words, first and foremost by the real economy. It has also shown resilience and competitiveness in foreign trade. Long term solid growth will be confirmed if the current economic policies continue and are consolidated according to the Industry 4.0 Plan and if the European recovery plan’s potential is fully exploited.
Europe adopted an unprecedented stimulus package to support and relaunch the EU’s economy with Next Generation EU and national recovery and resilience plans. Within the context of European integration, for the first time Eurobonds, issued by the European Commission, have been introduced to finance reconstruction and recovery. In addition to reforms, these resources are crucial for transitioning to a new paradigm based on innovation and investing in transformation (where raw materials, in which the EU is remarkably poor, count a lot) for sustainable development in its various forms. While the EU is defending itself well in the crisis, it cannot yet be said that this means long-term consolidation in a world with two economic giants (US and China) and oligopolistic monopolies.
Booklet: "A new paradigm exists but the transition must be governed" by Marco Fortis and Alberto Quadrio Curzio