The Structure of Economic Systems Through Input-Output Applications
21 - 22 ottobre 2010, Roma
Evento organizzato dalla Fondazione Edisondall'Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei
Input Output Analysis is one of the most important tools economics can offer to researchers and policy makers interested in the actual structure and interdependencies of an economic system. The seminal contribution of Wassily Leontief was followed by many other innovative works in theory and application dealing with the structure of the productive system and with the cost-price-income distribution system. Piero Sraffa, Richard Stone, Richard Goodwin, all of Cambridge University (UK) should be recalled among the most distinguished economists working in this area of research. It is worthwhile also to remember that both Leontief (1974) and Stone (1984) got the Nobel prize. The Conference will certainly mention to the contribution of other economists. After the initial interest by applied and theoretical economists up to the early 1970s, Input-Output Analysis subsequently came to be considered mainly as a field of statistical data collection and analysis. One important exception has been the application of Input-Output Analysis to environmental and energy problems, which has followed in the main a path distant from the mainstream theology of markets. Production, interindustry relationships, and the price-distribution relationships associated with them, came to be overlooked as developed countries were asked to neglect their real economies and to focus on services and finance.
The recent world economic crisis has brought to evidence that productive structures are of central relevance,and that the real economy is essential to any economic system (country) that wants to keep a stable position in the system of international relations. In view of this, and of the increasing importance of environmental and energy aspects, the coming back of Input-Output Analysis to the centre stage of economic research should be expected. This is shown both by the important international projects of Input-Output applications that are being developed, and by the re-focusing of theoretical interest on input-output relationships and related aspects of economic systems and dynamics. To encourage a comprehensive assessment of Input-Output research in the contemporary scenario Fondazione Edison has organized with Accademia dei Lincei the international conference 'The Structure of Economic Systems through Input-Output Applications'. The Conference programme was arranged by a Committee including Alberto Quadrio Curzio (chairman), Carlo D'Adda, Marco Fortis, Luigi Pasinetti, Roberto Scazzieri and Albert Steenge.
Invito del Convegno
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