Collana della Fondazione Edison edita da il Mulino
Volume 39
Technoscience Platforms in Europe. Research, Economy, Innovation
a cura di Alberto Quadrio Curzio, Alberto Silvani, Marco Fortis e Floriana Cerniglia il Mulino - 2024Technoscience Platforms are «instruments» that serve as collaborative systems where scientific, technological and industrial stakeholders work together to foster innovation and growth. Driven by the effects and repercussions of the pandemic crisis and climate change, the EU introduced the NGEU and NRPs – innovations that have also benefited Italy. This English Booklet contains excerpts from «Le Piattaforme tecno-scientifiche in Europa. Ricerca, economia e innovazione» (2023) published in the Fondazione Edison Series by Il Mulino, to which outstanding personalities in their fields have provided significant contributions. The volume features findings from an international conference, organized by Cranec and the Edison Foundation at the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, presenting the conclusions from Cranec’s research project made possible by Fondazione Cariplo.